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The policies outlined on this webpage are for students participating in 博彩网址大全-approved 留学项目. 学生参加的课程不是通过 博彩网址大全应该审查 非slu批准的海外学习项目 关于学术和财务的更多信息.


博彩网址大全 students may be eligible to study abroad for a semester, summer 或者在他们大二,大三或大四的学年.  学生转移 to 博彩网址大全 or participating in INTO 博彩网址大全 programs must complete one semester of full academic coursework within their degree program at 博彩网址大全 before they are eligible to apply for 一个学期的海外学习计划.  例外情况可根据个人情况考虑.

All students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing.

Each program may have additional eligibility requirements, which are listed on 博彩网址大全的留学主页.


You must work closely with your academic advisers to discuss how a semester abroad 会影响你的整体学术计划吗.

You are responsible for getting your classes approved before the semester begins. 课程批准表可以提供帮助. 海外学习项目的学分不包括在内 accepted unless all the necessary preliminary authorizations from the departments 已取得本页所列.

你在国外的每学期都需要填写一份表格. 你可以找到 博彩网址大全或者类似的东西 通过留学课程 注册处. 如果课程没有被列出,你可以提交一份 等值申请表格. We’ll work with the host institution, the registrar and the 博彩网址大全 department to determine 适当的等价.

Pro tip: Work closely with your advisers to get more courses approved than you intend 采取. That way, if you need to change your classes while abroad, additional options 已经被批准了.

Any changes made to your registration while abroad must be approved by your academic adviser, 系和/或学院代表.


If you’re studying abroad for a semester or year, you must maintain a full-­time course load (a minimum of 12 博彩网址大全 credit hours per semester) to remain 符合签证和经济援助要求. 

你需要填写一下 注册验证表 if you’re studying anywhere besides 博彩网址大全-Madrid (we’ll take care of it if you’re on 马德里校区). Please have the appropriate coordinator at the host institution email the form directly to the 国际事务处, goabroad@sh-fyz.com,截止日期如下:

  • 秋季学期:9月. 15
  • 春季学期:二月. 1

If your program doesn’t start until after the deadline, please contact the education 海外协调员, kamryn.moore@sh-fyz.com,以作出其他安排.

For summer programs, there is no minimum or maximum credit load required, unless otherwise specified 由你的接收院校或项目决定.


One of the winners of the International Photo Contest in 2015, this shot was taken 这是一名博彩网址大全学生在伦敦留学期间写的. 


Grades for all 博彩网址大全-­approved exchange and study abroad courses will appear on your transcript and factor into your cumulative 博彩网址大全 GPA.

Many international universities do not use the same credit hour or grading system 博彩网址大全. 博彩网址大全利用 World Education Services’ international grade conversion guide for higher education 适用于在国际大学学习的学生. 请调查你的主人 institution prior to departure so you understand how credit hours and grades will 转移.


Students participating in non-­Madrid 留学项目 must request that all official transcripts be sent directly to the 出国留学 Office.

Des Peres大厅,102室
St. 路易斯,密苏里州63108

For 博彩网址大全-­Approved study abroad and exchange programs, the titles of your study abroad courses, credit hours and grades will all appear on your 博彩网址大全 transcript 并会计入你的学分总额和累积绩点.


Please notify the 国际事务处 immediately when you decide to 退出以获取最新信息.

If you wish withdraw from a 博彩网址大全 approved study abroad program (other than 博彩网址大全­-Madrid), you must provide official notification to the University. 参与者, not their home institution and/or power of attorney, are responsible for notification. Notification must be sent directly to the 国际事务处 at goabroad@sh-fyz.com 或寄往以下地址:

Des Peres大厅102
St. 路易斯,密苏里州63103

All application fees, confirmation deposits, study abroad fees and administrative 费用不予退还. 您将负责取款/取消/退款 policy of the host-program (university and/or residential housing) only if their policy 超过国际服务局.

取消时间 到期金额
出发前30天,直到第二周 10%­ up to the full program fee (based on non- recoverable costs)
星期3 20%­ up to the full program fee (based on non- recoverable costs)
星期4 30%­ up to the full program fee (based on non- recoverable costs)
第4周后 100%

The 国际事务处 determines non­-recoverable costs in consultation 和项目赞助商.

  • 如果你推迟 to another term rather than cancel from a program within 30 days of the start of the program, you’re still responsible for the withdrawal policy based on the deferred 日期. 你不能推迟到另一个学期以避免取消费用.
  • 如果你退出了非博彩网址大全项目 (for example, Washington University or IES), you’ll still be charged the 博彩网址大全 study abroad fee, you’ll work with the program directly regarding their withdrawal and 退款政策. You’ll be responsible for any aid that 博彩网址大全 has paid on your behalf.
  • 如果你决定退出,你必须立即通知博彩网址大全和接收大学. 您还必须联系 student financial services, as this change may affect the financial aid package.

There are specific federal, state and University withdrawal/drop policies regarding tuition and fees, housing charges, refunds to scholarship/financial aid programs, 以及因退学而产生的还款. 咨询学生 金融服务的所有细节.

A credit balance on your account after a withdrawal would demonstrate a reduction in educational expenses, thus would prompt a return of funds to the lender to 减少整体债务.

If you are dismissed from the program due to behavioral, academic, legal or other 如有问题,恕不退款.


博彩网址大全 reserves the right to cancel any 博彩网址大全­-sponsored program in a location that is 被大学认为是不安全的,或者被美国政府认为是不安全的.S. 国务院有 发出旅游警告.

If 博彩网址大全 cancels a program prior to departure, we will make every effort to retrieve 任何可收回成本. 不可收回的费用(机票、已付押金等).) 不能退款.

As refunds are not always possible, you are encouraged to consider purchasing trip 取消保险. 如果博彩网址大全取消了一个程序后,它已经开始由于安全 concerns, emergency, act of God, or other reason, refunds will be determined on a ——通过案件的基础.