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Alcohol Edu is a research-based, student-friendly, online alcohol education program designed to assist students in making healthy decisions regarding alcohol use in college. 该课程大约需要两个小时才能完成,包括以下信息:

  • 关键定义概述
  • 神话与误解
  • 酒精和动力
  • 标准的饮料
  • 血液酒精浓度
  • 饮酒者的关键策略
  • 对不饮酒者的关键策略
  • 旁观者干预技巧
  • 学术脑科学
  • 媒介素养与期望
  • 酒精和法律
  • 大学,酗酒和压力

课程的第一部分大约需要两个小时才能完成. All incoming first-year students and transfer students enrolled as an undergraduate 必须在2023年8月23日(星期三)之前完成. 请检查你的大学邮箱 链接(或按钮)以完成此任务. 

完成第一部分课程的学生将收到一封单独的电子邮件 通知他们在2023年10月27日星期五之前完成第二部分. 


The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 require Saint Louis University to certify that it has adopted and implemented drug and alcohol 滥用 prevention programs 作为获得联邦基金和财政援助的条件. 作为天主教徒 Jesuit institution dedicated to the search for truth through education, improving the temporal and spiritual well-being of all persons, Saint Louis University has had a long-standing policy of promoting a 校园 environment free from drug and alcohol 滥用.

In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 and Saint Louis University’s Catholic Jesuit mission, this policy restates the University’s 致力于维护一个没有损害和有益的环境 to the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual development of all persons.


Saint Louis University prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, possession or use of illicit drugs or alcohol on its premises 或作为大学活动的一部分. 涉及非医师处方药物的行为 会被视为违规吗. 这一政策补充而不是限制的规则 conduct pertaining to alcohol or drugs which are published in other official University 出版物.


Students visiting foreign countries to attend academic programs overseas are reminded that they may be subject to arrest and legal sanctions for drug and alcohol offenses 根据该国家或机构的法律法规,除 在大学社区标准中描述的大学制裁.


The following 酒精政策及指引 set parameters within which alcohol use 将反映出这种对我们和彼此的日益关注的意识:

  • In observance 的 laws of Missouri and local ordinances, no person under the age of 21 may purchase or attempt to purchase, or have in their possession, any alcoholic 或在校园或大学活动中饮用令人陶醉的饮料.
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages by those who are over 21 years of age, on 校园, must follow Housing and Residence Life guidelines while in a residence hall, is permitted only at those student 事件 or locations that have been expressly approved by the Student Involvement Center and only in those locations for which the University 有执照.
  • University funds may not be used to pay for any portion of an event at which alcohol 可以提供,提供给未成年人或未成年人消费.
  • Arrangements for food and beverages for on-校园 事件 must be made with Dine博彩网址大全, which has the responsibility for verifying the legality of persons seeking to purchase 或者获得酒精. 外部餐饮承办商不得携带食物或饮料参加活动 除非获得特别授权.
  • Monitoring and enforcing compliance with the policy and guidelines are the responsibility 的 公共安全部(DPS) 负责外部活动,负责大楼内活动的主管/经理. 合规 在宿舍和大学拥有/管理的住房的政策是 responsibility 的 Director of Housing and Residence Life 和 Residence Life 工作人员.
  • 大学院系和学生组织也可能征收额外的、更多的费用 严格限制其成员使用和分发酒精.
  • 作为天主教徒 Jesuit educational institution, Saint Louis University expects its students 在适当使用酒精饮料方面建立负责任的理念. The University encourages students to consider all the implications of drinking and 对他们个人如何使用酒精做出认真的决定.


Possession, use and distribution of stimulants, depressants, narcotics or hallucinogenic 毒品和其他有滥用潜力的非法制剂,除适当使用外 designated physician's or dentist's prescription, is forbidden by University policy 以及地方,州和/或联邦法律. 此外,滥用法律物质可能 也会被认为违反了大学的政策.g. 一氧化二氮,鞭子. Such use, possession and conduct are prohibited on Saint Louis University's premises, 或作为大学活动的一部分. 出售、物物交换、交换或赠送 这些物质对任何人来说都是非法和禁止的. 任何从事此类活动的学生 activity may be reported to law enforcement agents and will be subject to severe conduct 行动,包括但不限于停职或解雇. 请参阅 2.7.13 的 University 社区标准 了解更多信息 as to what constitutes 这违反了学校的毒品政策.


In 2018, the State of Missouri legalized the medical use of marijuana (19 CSR 30-95). In November 2022, the State of Missouri passed a ballot initiative to amend the State Constitution to legalize the purchase, possession, consumption, use, delivery, manufacture 以及向21岁以上的成年人出售个人使用的大麻. 然而, 持有或使用大麻仍然是受管制物质下的犯罪行为 法案,联邦法律. 博彩网址大全有义务遵守所有联邦法律 法律法规. 为了继续遵守规定,博彩网址大全将 not permit the possession or use of marijuana on-校园, or at University-sponsored 活动,无论年龄大小,都不允许拥有或使用大麻 at educational or other activities sponsored, conducted or authorized by Saint Louis University or its Student Organizations, whether on or off 校园, in any on-校园 房屋,或任何其他大学建筑物或其他财产. 任何使用 or possesses marijuana on-校园, regardless of age, will be referred to the Office 学生责任及社会标准. 公共安全部门 (DPS) will confiscate and dispose of any marijuana found on 校园 belonging to Students 不满21岁的. 公共安全部门将没收发现的大麻 属于21岁以上的学生,在校期间不超过 48小时. 超过21岁的学生可以要求从 DPS在这段时间内,只要他们在校外找到一个存储地点 他们的大麻. 

Saint Louis University prohibits the use, possession, manufacture, sale, cultivation, purchase with the intent to distribute, distribution of marijuana and other drugs, and storage of marijuana and other drugs by students, faculty, 工作人员, visitors on all of Saint Louis University’s 校园es and properties and at all University-sponsored 事件.


No. 即使根据密苏里州法律可以合法获得大麻,大麻也是被禁止的 从大学校园.


No. 医用大麻,即使是通过医疗提供者获得的,也是禁止的 校园.


校园内禁止吸食大麻. 如果你在校外吸食大麻,你要负责任 确定在什么情况下这样做是合法和安全的.


Alleged violations 的 University’s drug policy are referred to the Office of Student 解决问题的责任和社区标准. 参考 学生手册 了解更多信息.


博彩网址大全的学生可以使用 大学心理咨询中心学生健康中心. The 大学心理咨询中心 also offers a Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) and Sober@博彩网址大全 to provide recovering students 和ir allies a safe and welcoming 网络. 更多的信息可以在网上找到 博彩网址大全的大学康复社区


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