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Saint Louis University understands that students may occasionally encounter unforeseen financial emergencies or catastrophic events that can disrupt their educational plans 以及支付学费的能力. 在这种情况下,为了帮助学生,博彩网址大全 well as external partners, have implemented the following financial aid funds to help 填补这些空白.

Grant Opportunities for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

  • 学生帮助学生: 这个基金是由 今天是学生,明天是校友 组织. The fund provides immediate one-time assistance to Billikens (undergraduate or graduate) who find themselves in temporary 需要 of additional funds to stay enrolled 在课堂上取得进步,迈向毕业. 奖学金每年秋天颁发 春季学期. During the current COVID-19 crisis, an additional awarding cycle 将会提供.
  • 学生紧急援助基金: This fund provides support for undergraduate or graduate students during unforeseen circumstances that create an unexpected or unprepared-for economic hardship. 应用程序 are accepted in Scholarship Suite on a rolling basis and are due on Sundays at 11:59 p.m. CDT将在那周进行审查.

Application Instructions: To find out more information or to apply for Students Helping Students or the Student Emergency Relief Fund, log in to Scholarship Suite through My博彩网址大全门户,Tools选项卡. Complete the general application questions upon entering 这个网站. 单击“完成并提交”.”

Once the general application is completed, you may apply for scholarships that show in your recommended list that have an “应用” button, including the Students Helping 学生和学生紧急救济基金. 您必须输入每个申请并回答 further questions, then “Submit” at the bottom right to complete.

  • 高等教育紧急救济基金: The federal stimulus packages passed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic provide eligible universities with limited funding designated for current undergraduate and graduate/professional students who have incurred unexpected expenses due to COVID-19, 尤其是那些需求未得到满足的学生. 国际学生和DACA学生 now eligible to receive funds through the third round of Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) funding if they meet other eligibility criteria at 博彩网址大全.

    Limited funding was 可用 for eligible students enrolled in the Fall 2021 semester. 2021年秋季HEERF申请于下午5点截止.m. 9月3日. 15. Students will be notified of any future HEERF funding opportunities if 可用. 

Additional Grant Opportunities for Undergraduate Students 

  • 董事选择补助金(最高1,500元):The Director’s Choice Grant from the Missouri Scholarship and Loan Foundation (MSLF) is designed to assist Missouri undergraduate students who have an urgent financial 需要 that may prevent them from continuing 他们的学位 or program. 学生必须 be full-time, a Missouri resident and be making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

    This grant is not "需要-based" as defined by federal financial aid regulations, but the 金融援助 Office will recommend a grant award based on a student’s financial 情况及其他有关因素. 潜在候选人应发送电子邮件给Student 金融服务 sfs@sh-fyz.com to confirm eligibility and request application materials.
  • 学生紧急援助: Established by the Board of Trustees, this fund may provide up to $2,500 per student 每学期获奖人数. 学生的平均绩点必须达到2分.5岁或以上,有紧急需要 回到博彩网址大全的经济资助.
  • 经济需要基金(进一步):  This grant assists undergraduate students who experience a financial emergency or 造成经济困难的意外开支. 该计划旨在提供帮助 those who cannot reasonably resolve their financial difficulty through scholarships, 贷款或个人资源.

  • Judy and Jerry Kent Retention and Graduation Scholarship: This award was created to assist current 博彩网址大全 students with unique financial circumstances requiring additional resources to complete their undergraduate degree. 学生必须 累积平均分是3分.0岁,读大三或大四.

  • 凯瑟琳和杰克莱恩奖学金: This award was established to assist students who 需要 more than four years to complete 他们的学位.

  • 博彩网址大全军事补助金(进一步): This grant supports undergraduate students who are Yellow Ribbon for Post 9/11 veterans, dependents of deceased service 成员 (gold star) and dependents of active service 成员. These funds may serve as a supplement when military assistance is no longer 可用.


  • 本科生紧急贷款(最高300元): This loan is designed for full-time undergraduate students who have an urgent financial 需要. 学生的累积平均绩点必须达到2分.0或更大. 还款期限为90天 after an application 被批准 and students must have a specific source from which 偿还贷款. 感兴趣的学生 该电子邮件 Student 金融服务 sfs@sh-fyz.com 索取申请材料. 

  • USX毕业生紧急贷款(最高1,200美元): This loan is designed for degree-seeking graduate students who have an urgent financial 需要. 学生的累积GPA必须达到3分.0或更大,或者是当前 已注册或预注册下一学期. 学生可以从 this loan program a maximum of three times, cannot have a current outstanding 博彩网址大全的紧急贷款. 还款期限为申请后90天 被批准. 感兴趣的学生 该电子邮件 Student 金融服务 sfs@sh-fyz.com 索取申请材料.
  • School of Law Students: Terry Gould Emergency Loan (Up to $2,000): This loan is designed to assist students in the School of Law who have an urgent financial 需要. 学生必须 be currently enrolled in pursuit of a Juris Doctorate degree and 还款期限不得超过毕业日期. 潜在的候选人应该 电子邮件 fin_aid@law.sh-fyz.com 索取申请材料.
  • School of Medicine Students: Kellogg Emergency Loan (Amount Varies): This loan is designed to assist students in the School of Medicine who have an urgent 财务需要. 学生必须 be currently enrolled with the School of Medicine and must have a specific source from which 偿还贷款, which could include an expected 退还当前或未来学期的学费. 标准奖励金额为500美元. 然而, in exceptional circumstances larger amounts can be considered. 感兴趣的学生 该电子邮件 sfp@sh-fyz.com 索取申请材料.