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Start Planning Your Next Step With Support From 博彩网址大全


博彩网址大全就业服务中心 is here to help you begin a process of self-exploration that can help you better make decisions about majors and careers. 在博彩网址大全,我们承诺 to delivering excellent career counseling and content, including through our 社交媒体页面, related to your professional and vocational development.

使命宣言: We facilitate career-related interactions to prepare Saint Louis University students 以及终身成功的校友.

愿景陈述: Assist all Saint Louis University students in discovering their higher purpose for 更大的利益.


Career counselors are available for virtual appointments covering any career-related topic (mock interviews, resume and cover letter review, career counseling, career planning, job or internship search, much more).

Make a Career Counseling/One-on-One Appointment

在读学生应该 在Navigate360上安排一个约会 and add 以下信息 to the comment section of your appointment. 校友 该电子邮件 斯蒂芬妮.琼斯.1 @sh-fyz.com 以下信息. 

Select your appointment delivery method and have the information associated:

  • 电话预约: Provide the 10-digit phone number you will be using. 必要时,打电话预约 will be conducted via Zoom, but students can call in using their cell phone or landline.
  • Zoom Meeting (voice or video):  The career counselor will email you with a link to Zoom会议.
  • Google Hangout (voice or video): Provide your Gmail email address.

For appointments covering document review, please email your documents to the career 会前辅导员.



Career counselors are available to assist you in your plans for the future and all 一路走来的脚步. 在Navigate360上安排一个约会 to meet with a career counselor six to 12 months before graduation to create your 行动计划:

  • 制作一份简历和求职信
  • 制定求职计划
  • 参加模拟面试
  • Learn salary negotiation skills and other job search techniques
  • 积累与雇主建立关系网的经验

You can also learn how to access reciprocal career services available from colleges and universities in parts of the country where you are interested in finding a job.


Career counselors are available to help you as you search to gain experience through 实习. 在Navigate360上安排一个约会 找个职业顾问帮你:

  • Discuss an experience that fits with your career goals
  • 制作一份简历和求职信
  • Learn how to conduct an effective search for available 实习
  • Learn about the interviewing process and participate in a mock interview



职业服务 staff will review resumes, cover letters, other professional documents 几乎.  Feedback might take up to 72 business hours. 接收反馈 以下任意选项:

  • Upload your document to Handshake and receive feedback via Handshake message and document 检查状态更新.
  • Schedule a virtual appointment and receive live feedback from a career counselor.
  • 参加虚拟座谈会.

Make a 回顾简历和求职信 Appointment

将文件电邮至 career_services@sh-fyz.com 工作人员会通过电子邮件反馈.


Career assessments can help you learn about yourself so that you can make more informed 职业生涯决策. The results of your assessment will not make the decision for you or tell you what career is right for you but can provide additional guidance. 所有 assessments will be interpreted by your career counselor based on your individual 情况.

博彩网址大全 职业服务 offers the following assessments:

  • Myers-Briggs类型指标(MBTI): This personality assessment can help you understand your individual personality type and can point you in some possible career directions.
  • 强烈兴趣调查: This assessment can help you identify interest areas to see how they align with individuals 在不同的职业领域工作.
  • StrengthsQuest: This assessment can help you discover, understand and maximize your strengths.


Call our office at 314-977-2828 if you are interested in taking an assessment. An 需要预约.



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